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20th Dec 2016

These Two Women Are Live-Tweeting Their Abortion Journey To The UK Right Now

Alana Laverty

Two brave Irish women are live-tweeting their journey from Ireland to England to undergo abortions – a journey that hundreds upon hundreds of Irish women and girls are forced to make every year. 

The account, Two Women Travel, started yesterday and documents the multiple journeys, stages and efforts that Irish women have to take and make in order to access abortion clinics in the UK. 

They are directly tweeting Enda Kenny in each and every tweet throughout this trip. 

You hear stories like these often, but actually following this journey firsthand, in real-time makes it startlingly, and shockingly, real. 

Their journey began at about 4am this morning and already thousands of people are following the entire thing

It began with a flight 

They penned a note, standing in solidarity with women in similar situations

Then, the next stage of the journey

Followed by their arrival at the first clinic

Before having to move along to another

People have been voicing their support for these women all morning

Unfortunately, with anything repeal the 8th-related comes trolls, criticism and hate

But people are fighting their corner and standing up for these two women on Twitter. 

But for the most part it is support, admiration and applause that these two courageous women are receiving. 

Follow the journey here
