A good bartender can pour a flawless pint, has memorised a list of cocktails as long as their arm, and can patiently endure the conversation of the most boring of bar flies.
But what makes for the best bartender in all the land? It’s a tough call, but that’s what the World Class Bartender of the Year Competition is all about.
Taking place across more than 60 countries, World Class ferrets out the top bar men and women in nation before bringing them all together to determine the best in the world… which is a title that certainly couldn’t hurt your LinkedIn profile.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves here, we still need to figure out who the best bartender in Ireland is first, with the closing date for entering the Irish leg of the World Class Bartender of the Year Competition being Friday, March 30.
Entry is simple, you need to submit one cocktail around the theme of creativity and pushing the boundaries. There are only two rules:
1) At least 30ml of any World Class brand spirit must be used.
2) Bartenders must incorporate elements from both World Class studio training modules: Heat of the Moment and The Resourceful Bartender.
If the cocktail makes the cut of 12 best in the country, the contestants will be judged throughout April in a bar setting. Six of those bartenders will be selected to go through to the World Class semi-finals in Dublin on May 7, before The World Class Ireland Final takes place in Dublin on June 19. The World Class Ireland Winner will then go on to represent our country in the Global Final in Berlin in September.
If you know anyone who could be a contender, they can enter by visiting the World Class website HERE.