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18th May 2017

This Highly Addictive Game That Once Ruled Our Lives Is Coming To IOS And Android


Cast your mind back to the glorious times of yore, when frozen potato waffles and spaghetti-os where a proper meal and the only thing your computer was good for was creating fake people and deciding their fate.

Yep, the days of The Sims were truly magical, and guess what? They’re back my friends.

The Irish Times has reported that EA is releasing a full version of the game for iOS and Android. <3

Sims Mobile will include all the best elements of the game, such as building houses, creating weird and quirky sims to populate them, and interactive gaming with friends unlike the current FreePlay version for mobile, which has limitations.

We’re not sure just yet if you can still do the classic trick of removing the ladder from the swimming pool, but the Sims Mobile is soft launching soon in Brazil but a release date has yet to be announced for Ireland – keep your eyes peeled for updates here .


This is sure to be just as huge as it was when we were kids.

We Sat Down For An AMA This Week With Irish Lifestyle And Fitness Legend, Rob Lipsett…
