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12th Jul 2017

Waste Reduction Bill Banning Coffee Cups Has Passed A Second Stage In The Dáil


The Waste Reduction Bill banning single-use coffee cups has seen rare cross-party co-operation in the Dáil this week, passing its second stage in the Dáil overnight.

According to the Irish Times, the Bill, which will ban single-use coffee cups and support a refund system for plastic bottles, will be debated in the Dáil this week.

Fianna Fáil supported the Bill put forward by both the Green and Labour Parties.

However, Denis Naughten has stated certain provisions in the Bill, mentioning the costly repercussions:

“A study investigating the possible introduction in the UK puts a figure of €790m per year on it.

Green Party Leader Eamon Ryan expressed his delight about the Bill’s passing of the second stage:

It’s been a really good night for the Dáil. It was unusual, it was a Green Party Bill presented by Labour in their time and the Government aren’t stopping it.”

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