Irish people are well known for travelling and with a lot of people off to Australia and Canada in recent years we’re more scattered around the world than ever before. But once we go abroad – sadly, not only do we have to leave our families behind, but a lot of Irish things we’re so used to.
Like, y’know, Tayto sandwiches. (It’s just not the same trying to ram a bag of Lays into some fancy Italian ciabatta, trust us.)
1. Full Irish breakfasts
2. Kerrygold
3. Daycent tea!
4. The weather
5. Good oul’ pessimism
6. Tayto (and the inevitable Tayto sambo)
7. Rolls from the deli
8. The slang
9. The craic in your local
10. Sharon Ní Bheoláin
11. Chatting to the taxi man
12. Mammy’s dinner
You don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone eh…