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30th Nov 2017

There’s A Massive Glitch At One Of The World’s Leading Airlines

Darragh Berry

Over the weekend, we had a major glitch on the H&M website and now the curse of the glitch has struck again as American Airlines have announced that a system error could possibly result in the disruption of over 15,000 flights.

The error came about as the pilots from the airline organised their time off for the festive holidays.

The scheduling resulted in pilots bidding for time off based on their seniority and now the airline is almost pilotless for the last two weeks of December. 

According to the Allied Pilots Association (APA), many American Airlines flights between December 17-31 have yet to be assigned pilots due to the system error. 

Pilots were informed of the error immediately on Friday and the airline is currently trying to fix the problem. 

Dennis Tajer of the APA told Reuters that American Airlines was now facing a state of crisis.

“Basically, there’s a crisis at American Airlines for manning the cockpits.”

Pilots at the airline are being offered time and a half if they cover the shifts but it is unknown whether this will be accepted by enough pilots to make sure that there are no cancellations. 

American Airlines said that they were hoping to avoid cancellations at all costs. 

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