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19th Jun 2018

11 Life Hacks Every Lazy Person Needs To Know


Who doesn’t like to live the carefree, energy saving, lacksadaisy-lazy life?

Sometime’s doing things the old fashioned was just isn’t worth your time, so praise the lords that there’s a few internet geniuses out there who have devoted their brain cells to making life easier for lazy oafs like us.

“And remember, if at first you don’t succeed, don’t try again” – Lazy McLazy 2017.

Here’s some of our favourite life hacks that we’re not ashamed (okay we’re slightly ashamed) to say that we’ve used at one time or another.

1. Get away with not washing the dishes

This is simple, but not for everyone. Simply wrap your bowls or plates in clingfilm, eat, and voila! Pop the clingfilm in the bin – clean crockery for all.

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2. Only wash half of your hair

This is for all my bang-ing ladies out there. Just tie up most of your hair and wash the front few pieces in the sink.

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Image: Pinterest

3. Never iron again

This is legit ALL of our dreams come true – and it actually works. Just make sure you take the clothes out as soon as they’re done!

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Image source

4. Live an easy, dust-free life

Hightail it to IKEA and pick up like, 500 of those lint rollers, because they are the best way to dust your house. Lamps, shelves… Everything.

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5. Cut a cake with dental floss

Yes, really. Why bother washing a knife when dental floss will give you a cleaner, easier cut. Swear.

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Image source: The Chive

6. Don’t waste waiting for tan to dry

A gal’s time is precious okay. Using a hair dryer (on a low heat) to dry your tan or moisteriser is an easy-peasy way to speed up your getting ready process.

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7. Cook two pizzas at the same time

This is by far been one of the most life-saving hacks we’ve ever discovered. Just cut your pizzas in half and you can eat twice as many. The dream.

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Source: Twitter

8. Never wash the floor again

Look, if babies are going to crawl all over the floor anyway then why not make the most of them? Plus, just look how adorable the babygro is.

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9. Use a post-it to clean your laptop

This is mind blowing, and oh-so useful. Have you ever tried to clean all that gunk in between your keys before? Never get stressed again thanks to this trick.

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Image: Youtube 

10. Mash your potatoes through a sieve

Who wants to waste time and energy mashing potatoes with a fork? Simply push them though a sieve and enjoy the creamier goodness.

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11. Finally, this is the only way to wash a blender

This is one for the #fitfam who love their Nutribullets. Never risk slicing your baby paws again if you just pop washing-up liquid and some water and blend blend blend.

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Have you any tried ‘n’ tested lazy life hacks? Please, please let us know in the comments!
