Nothing gets the vast majority of the population more wound up than bad parking and today we have some of the worst examples of this horrific act.
These are the people who don’t care about rules, their fellow citizens or life in general. The people that make us normal rational people boil up with rage and explode.
You can see lots more examples of bad parking here on Reddit if the ones below don’t make you angry enough!!!
1. This eejit in Liffey Valley
@atLiffeyValley would ya look at this gobshites parking @LovinDublin
— frandango (@fran_lawlor) December 7, 2016
2. This person who got called out big time

3. This gombeen in Rathmines

4. This clown on Baggot Street

5. This lovely message that has the perfect ending

6. This bad parker who got perfectly owned

7. This has to be a record…five spaces ruined

8. Obviously all attending a conference about bad parking

9. How could somebody be this much of an asshole?

10. Parking at the petrol station is especially hard

11. Turns out everybody should carry chalk to highlight

12. Top marks for effort on this one

13. As if the car itself wasn’t bad enough

14. This person couldn’t be more infuriating if they tried

15. Class A douchebag

16. Not even a trace of irony here

17. Three disabled places in one go has to be a record

18. Big car, big idiot

19. You’d nearly let this person off given the choice of car

20. Nailed it

21. A perfect four spots taken up

22. Zero fucks given

23. The sideways special

24. How could you live with yourself if this is the level you stoop to

But the ultimate winner is this poor person…

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