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02nd Oct 2018

13 Things Every Irish Person Has Experienced At Halloween


Halloween is just a few weeks away, and if you’re anything like us you have no idea what your plans are.

All the pubs in town will probably be hellish (and not in a fun, spooky, way), but you’re worried you’ll miss all the craic if you stay at home.

We’ve noticed the same things happening year after year…

1. You realise it’s nearly Halloween and you don’t have a costume

2. You look up “last-minute Halloween costume ideas” online

Sexy Ghost

3. You either go with one of those and look lazy or end up spending wayyyy too much on a costume in one of those special shops

4. You scroll through Instagram and feel jealous of everyone else’s costumes/mad make-up skills

5. You see someone you know wearing something idiotic

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6. Your mam/housemate buys way too many sweets for trick or treating kids

7.You pray someone will throw a party so you don’t have to go into town

8. You end up going into town

9. You can’t get in anywhere because you waited too long

10. You witness at least one street brawl

11. You see several sobbing Wonder Women/Sexy Nuns

12. You can’t get a taxi home

13. And you remember why you didn’t want to go out…

Happy Halloween!

READ NEXT: These Are The Most Popular Halloween Costumes For 2017
