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02nd Nov 2022

Google searches for Mariah Carey up 495% this week

Fiona Frawley

Tis the season, apparently.

Whether you vehemently resent premature festive tidings or you’re up in the attic rummaging for the baubles and tinsel as soon as Halloween ends, it’s impossible to deny the power of Mariah. Every year like clockwork, the Grand Supreme festive diva is ready with a polite but firm goodbye to Halloween and a formal welcome for the Christmas season.

Exhibit a:

And her November 1st posts for the previous three years:




And it would appear that Mariah isn’t the only one more than ready to deck the halls from late October onwards, as searches for ‘Mariah Carey’ have skyrocketed by 495% in Ireland in the days since Halloween.

Research conducted by Slotbox indicates that Google searches for Christmas songs start to climb at the same time every year, from October 24 to 30, and continue to soar before peaking from December 17 to 25 on average each year. Searches then unsurprisingly take a hit from January 2 onwards.

If all this research is awakening the Christmas spirit within you and you’re looking for your festive music fix, you won’t have to wait too long – Christmas FM have confirmed they’ll be returning to Irish airwaves from November 28th. Car radios at the ready, people.

Header image via Instagram/MariahCarey

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