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16th May 2017

Study Reveals Best Time To Post On Instagram To Maximise Likes

Alana Laverty

There’s no feeling more satisfying than raking in a load of likes on Instagram.

One successful ‘gram and you are lit

Shallow – but we’re all looking for that confidence-boosting validation, yo. 

Obviously content and quality play a factor in any successful, heavily-liked Instagram – but there are a few other factors we must take into consideration. 

And one of those is time

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According to a survey by HopperHQ , the best average time to post on Instagram is in the evening time – between 6pm and 7.30pm on weekdays and 11am on weekends. 

Kinda surprising if you ask us, we always would’ve guessed anywhere between 8pm-11pm is best for the likes. 

But we’re obviously wrong because according to Hopper these are the times when most people are using Instagram and are therefore more likely to see your unreal pic – all dependent on your follower levels, obv.

Set your alarms, follks. 

Source: HopperHQ

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