There’s an app for everything nowadays and depending on what your New Year’s resolution is, there could be a specifically for you.
Trying to lose weight? There’s MyFitnessPal and Couch to 5k Trainer. Want to brush up on your French? There’s Duolingo. Want to use your phone less? Ironically, there’s an app for that.
But if your resolutions are a not covered by a specific app, there are some great habit-making apps you can try instead.
By writing down your goals, having to consider whether you achieved them every day and setting reminders for yourself, after a period of time you should hopefully do them automatically.
Here are the best habit making apps that are available for free.
1. HabitBull

You pick a habit, and it provides you with the categories of fitness, diet & food, study, personal hygiene, time management, reading, meditation, mindset, drinking water and medication.
It then asks you how you want to track it: through a simple yes or no question (did I exercise today?), with numbers (how many miles did I walk today?) or by importing data from another app, such as Google Fit.
The app shows you a calendar, highlighting the days you achieved you goal. It also shows you if you’ve built up a streak, and what percentage successful you have been over time.
You can also set a deadline for specific habits to give you something to work toward.
2. Fabulous
Available on: Android

Fabulous is a more structured habit app. The aim is to help you instill healthy routines.
The app requires you to choose one of four journeys; feel more energised, lose weight, sleep better, and focus and concentrate more.
Each of these have different activities to help. For example, if you choose ‘feel more energised’ they suggest habits like drink water, exercise, and eat a great breakfast.
You choose these habits, set the time of day you want to do them at, then tick them off when you’re done.
They also have a ‘make me fabulous’ option, which provides you with exercises, meditations, yoga instructions and stretches.
3. Remente

Remente is an app which aims to be a lot of things. As well as a habit app, they also try to encourage mindfulness and organisation.
You can set a goal, making a custom one or choosing one of the premade ones, like walk 10,000 steps a day, learn mindful eating and ‘be a sugar, don’t eat it’. These goals are then broken down into manageable tasks.
You can rate your mood daily, selecting positive or negative feelings to describe your mood. It includes the option to assess your life, ranking areas like finances, personal development and exercise to see which area needs the most work. You can plan your day.
You can also take courses under the ‘improve option’ on things like stress management, better sleep and goal setting. However some of these cost money to access. There are also boosts, quick articles with life advice.
4. Loop – Habit Tracker
Available on: Android

Loop is another habit tracker, with the simple option of ticking whether you achieved your goal every day.
It’s a very minimalist app, although it does give you some statistics and the option of giving you more flexible times for your goals, like every other day or three times a week.
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