Derek Devoy’s life changed in November 2014 after he stopped two people killing themselves in just one night when he was driving around Kilkenny city in his taxi.
Derek was shocked to see a man standing on a bridge ready to jump, and managed to get him down and into the car, where he then called to gardai for help.
Less than two hours later, he saw another man on the same bridge about to take his own life. Derek also managed to talk him down, saying that having suffered from depression himself, he knew what he was feeling.
That night moved him so much that Derek did a SAFETALK and ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) workshop, found 21 taxi drivers in Kilkenny who wanted to help as much as he did, and set up
The group patrol the streets, bridges, and quays of Kilkenny in their taxis looking for people who may be in distress.
“The life of a special taxi man”
Banjoman Films and Ishka Films have produced an eye-opening documentary about Derek and his TaxiWatch initiative called ‘Throwline’, which premieres today in Kilkenny City Town Hall.
“This documentary is a frightening and eye opening insight into the life of a special taxi man in Kilkenny.”
Have a look at this teaser and see for yourself.
So far, TaxiWatch have saved the lives of 99 people.
They have a 24/7 emergency helpline and can be contacted at any time on 086-6665050.
For more information on getting help and support if you’re feeling suicidal or depressed please see Samaritans Ireland or phone 116 123.