If you’ve ever flown on a plane with a screaming baby right beside your sensitive ears then you’ll know that even the most infant-cooing and chubby cheek pinching of us all can quickly turn into baby haters – sad, but true.
There’s just something about those shrieks that really echo on an airplane ammirite?
So when an Irish couple flew from Dublin to Washington recently, they did their fellow fliers a solid and left a handy little packet of bribes on each seat.
Each passenger was treated to ear plugs, sweets, and a note that said: “Hi! My name is Caoimhe. I’m usually smiley and sweet but I can’t promise I won’t make a peep. Here are some earplugs and treats for you to keep. Enjoy your flight :)”
How cute is that?
Babies could be crying all day eerrr day around me and I couldn’t care less if I’ve got some free treats on hand.
H/T Today FM
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