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08th May 2019

HBO Digitally Removes That Coffee Cup From Game Of Thrones Episode

Kiara Keane

The latest Game of Thrones episode went viral for the most unexpected reason when eagle-eyed fans spotted a coffee cup sitting on a table in front of Daenerys during one scene.

And while Starbucks got plenty of free publicity from their mistake, it turns out the cup actually came from craft services on set.

HBO has now confirmed that they’ve digitally removed the cup from the episode titled The Last of the Starks.

A HBO spokesperson joked in a statement, “The latte that appeared in the episode was a mistake. Daenerys had ordered an herbal tea.”

Meanwhile, executive producer Bernie Caulfield expressed her surprise at the error in an interview with New York radio station WNYC, saying, “Our on-set prop people and decorators are so on it one thousand percent. I just honestly can’t, I’m like, is that really?

“Because nowadays you can’t believe what you see because people can put things into a photo that really doesn’t exist. But I guess maybe it was there, I’m not sure.

“But, yeah. We’re sorry! Westeros was the first place to actually have Starbucks, it’s a little known fact.”

CNBC reports that Starbucks received an estimated $2.3 billion in free advertising from the mistake.

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