Ah, the relationship break-up. It’s something most of us have experienced and has given scriptwriters material for plays, movies, books and songs since the dawn of time.
But what is the science behind the whirlwind of emotions you feel when you and your lover call it a day? We haven’t a clue.
Luckily, TV3 are on hand to explore this subject but they need the help of people who have recently gone through the devastating effects of a serious relationship coming to an end.
Midas Productions have sent out a casting call which reads:
“Midas Productions are currently casting for a new show for TV3 called Heartbreak Hotel. We are looking for people that have gone through a heartbreak recently or in the past that would be willing to come to our Heartbreak Hotel retreat.
“During the retreat, we’ll guide and assist you through the different stages of recovering from a broken heart. The aim is to get you from barely surviving to thriving, allowing you to move on with your life post break-up.”
A source speaking to the Irish Independent expanding on the premise of the show, saying:
“They’re looking for people who have gone through a heartbreak recently, or in the past, that would be willing to spend a weekend on the Heartbreak Hotel retreat.
“This new TV show will bring people who are recovering from a break-up away for a weekend when they will be guided and assisted through the different stages of recovering from a broken heart.”
Details of how to apply can be read here. Know anyone who fits the bill? Give them a push in the right direction!
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