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04th Mar 2018

11 Of The ‘Coolest’ Snowmen Spotted Around Ireland This Week


The Beast from the East and Storm Emma have finally left us alone and the snow is melting fast, but we sure made the most of the white stuff while it lasted. 

Here are 11 of the best snowmen, snowanimals and snowthings spotted around the country in the past few days. 

1. This unfortunate cyclist 

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credit: Jahangir Sajjad

2. This Disney star

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credit: Antoinette Fahy

3. This snowy sphinx

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credit: Rafael Muñoz Catalan

4. This 12-foot beast 

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Gary Mossie Donoghue

5. This award winner

6. This sexy Beast from the East

7. This absolute Marvel 

8. This work of art 

9. This GOT tribute 

10. This creepy snowskull

11. And this large erection

READ NEXT: 9 Of The Greatest Things That Happened In Ireland During Storm Emma
