It’s lashing rain, the weekend wasn’t nearly long enough and for some reason you’ve got more fear than that one time you puked on your colleague in Coppers on your first work night out.
What could it be that’s making today the most Monday-est Monday of all time?
Well, today is officially ‘Blue Monday’, aka the most miserable day of the year
First coined in a 2005 press release by Sky, Blue Monday is the third Monday of the year and is thought to be the grimmest day of the year.
You’re probs broke, the weather is still dark and gloomy, Christmas seemed like years ago and chances are you’ve already broken a New Year’s resolution (look, you’re doing your best, okay?)
There’s even a mathematical equation for it all…
Where W=weather, D=debt, d=monthly salary, T=time since Christmas, Q=time since failing our new year’s resolutions, M=low motivational levels, and Na=the feeling of a need to take action.
However, Blue Monday has faced criticism from mental health charities
Mental Health Charity Mind says that: “Here at Mind, we think it’s dangerously misleading.”
“Those of us who live with depression know that those feelings aren’t dictated by the date.
“Implying that they are perpetuates the myth that depression is just ‘feeling a bit down’, something that doesn’t need to be taken seriously.”
The Samaritans is encouraging people to turn today into ‘Brew Monday’ and have a chat over a cuppa – something we can defo get behind.
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