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21st May 2018

PICS: An Irish Bridal Store Has Recreated BOTH Of Megan Markle’s Wedding Dresses


It’s pretty much guaranteed that 2019 will see replica wedding dresses of what former Suits star and the current Duchess of Sussex Megan Markle wore to her royal wedding over the weekend. 

Lace gowns blew up after Kate Middleton stepped out in hers to wed Prince William, so get ready for every bride you know to go for Megan’s bateau-neck style dress. 

If you can’t wait to get your hands on a dress just like hers, speed up north as a team of ‘lovely ladies from all over Northern Ireland” have spent the entire weekend recreating Megan’s look – the gowns, the veil, and even hair and make up.

Sharon Patterson from Elody Bride in Newry and designer Shauna Fay teamed up with local jewellers, photographer and hair and makeup artists to create the looks. 

And we gotta say… They are spot on. 

First up is the Givenchy-style ceremony dress, complete with intricate veil…

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And they also did a knock-up of the Stella McCartney dress that Megan wore to the evening reception. Woah.


Yep. Literally can’t tell the difference:

We know where everyone in Ireland will be flocking to for their very own royal wedding dress…

Amazing work from all involved. And SO speedy.

H/T: The Vow

READ NEXT: Prince Harry And Meghan Are Set To Come To Ireland For Their Mini-moon
