“Exposing the ridiculousness that is the Irish fitfam” – that is the motto of Fit Fam Failures Instagram page.
An Instagram page called @bullshitcallerouter burst onto the scene and no blogger in Ireland was safe from being “called out” by the page.
The page took a back seat when the owner was taken into hospital with a serious prognosis and since then, it has been replaced with the likes of ‘Bloggers unveiled’and ‘Celebface‘.
FitFam Failures is a slow riser on the Irish circuit and has clocked up just over 30k followers since it was set up.
It’s main focus is analysing Irish influencers who are focused on taking gym selfies and discussing their progress to the Irish public and calling them out on their alleged ‘fake’ pictures.
It only follows one account back, and it’ll come as no surprise that it’s Bloggers Unveiled.
FitFam Failures shows close-ups of celebs’ selfies and pictures and calls out those who they believe have been guilty of using photo editing applications.
READ NEXT: ‘Celebface’ Instagram Page Is The New Bullshitcallerouter And No One Is Safe