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02nd Sep 2018

Five Schnakey Signs Your Other Half Is About To Propose

Megan Cassidy

Have you noticed your other half acting a little strange recently?

Well, not to be harsh… but they’re probably either planning a proposal, or a breakup. Soz.

In the interest of remaining positive, let’s imagine your partner is thinking of proposing. Research has revealed the most common odd behaviours running up to a proposal that most people miss (when they’re not looking for them of course.)

The research, which focused mainly on heterosexual relationships, asked women to retrospectively cite strange behaviour they noticed right before their partners got down on one knee.

A whopping 27% of them found that their other halves were more cautious about spending, turning down takeaways in favour of cooking or walking instead of jumping in a taxi etc etc.

Almost half copped their partner having lunch with her sibling or best friend right before proposing. These are often planned in secret – for obvious reasons.

Thirty-six percent noticed their S.O. developing a sudden and all-encompassing interest in all things ‘diamond’, with future-proposers suddenly commenting on celebrity couples’ engagement rings while subtly trying to gauge their style preferences.

A big (dumb) behaviour involved the proposer telling the proposee to go and get her nails done, for no reason – no reason at all. Seventeen percent noticed this (rather clunky) behaviour.

And finally, with 67 percent of future-proposers searching ‘proposal’ on Google – for many of the women surveyed, a quick glance at their partner’s search history gave the game away.

