Of all the things we’ve stumbled upon on the world wide interweb recently, this is definitely one of the most fun.
The Central Statistics Office website has a feature which allows users to see how common their birthday is in Ireland.
Naturally, with this writer being born on November 20 (take note, people, hint hint) this was the first date we tried out. Disappointingly 20/11 only ranks at number 265 out of 366 (leap years are taken into account). On average, there are 83 boys born on this date as well as 82 girls.
Being Irish we obviously jumped straight to our national feast next. Interestingly, March 17 ranks at a lowly 362nd position.
In what comes as no surprise at all, February 29th ranks lowest. Understandable as it only comes round every four years. Still, there are 45 babies who are born on the date, sharing it with the nation’s favourite alien puppet duo Zig and Zag.
Another interesting discovery is that Leap Day is just behind Stephen’s Day in 365th position and Christmas Day in 364th. We suppose it would be rather impolite to arrive in the middle of Christmas dinner.
So what is the most common date on the calendar for bouncing Irish babies to arrive in the world?
The answer is October 1 which takes the top spot with 99 little lads and 92 little ladies born on this date on average every year. Considering it falls nine long months after New Year’s Eve then perhaps it’s no surprise.
It is followed closely by September 23. As far as months go, the summer seems to be when most people make their entrance with an average of 5,380 being born in July followed by 5,332 in May.
Where do your birthday and those of your family and friends rank? Check it out here and make sure to let them all know in the comments. Be warned, this may lead to much procrastination.
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