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03rd Apr 2017

A Brand New Fire Engine Was Stolen In Donegal Overnight


A new fire engine was stolen overnight from Stranorlar Fire Station in Donegal and laterdiscovered at around 8.30am this morning by a member of the public at Monellan Road, Killygordon, about 1km from the border.

The fire engine, which is estimated to be worth €400,000, was found with emergency equipment missing from the vehicle and is currently out of service.

A full investigation has been launched into the theft of the vehicle from the station with Gardai appealing to the public on both sides of the border for any information.

A full technical examination of the vehicle is underway, which means that the area is now without cover while the engine is out of action.

According to the Irish Sun, Gardai are also investigating reports that the thieves put on the sirens and flashing lights on the stolen vehicle.

More to follow…

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