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27th Nov 2017

You Can Get Wine And Beer For Your Pets In Aldi From Next Week


If you’ve always wanted to drink with your furry best friend, it turns out that you’ll actually be able to do so from next week, because Aldi is bringing dog-friendly wine and beer to their Irish stores.

Pawsecco is one of the two new products that will be in stores from Thursday December 7th and it is a non-alcoholic beverage especially for cats and dogs.

It’s described as a still ‘wine’ that would be the purrfect treat for your pet.

The bottle will cost just €2.99 and is made up with 100% natural herbs which include Elderflower, Nettle, Ginseng and Lime Flower and is designed to be poured over their food or served as a drink.

Pawsecco will be availabe in ‘Pet-House White’ and ‘Pet-House Rosé’ and has been taste-tested by pooches and cats – so they’re bound to like it.

This is what it looks like:


For your doggy friend Aldi will also be selling the popular Bottom Sniffer which is a non-carbonated beer for €2.99.

The drink comes in a turkey and chicken flavour and contains a lot of natural herbs making it the perfect healthy drink for your dog. 

Bottom Sniffer €2 99

Both of the doggy drinks will be available across Irish stores from Thursday, December 7th – so if you’re thinking of having a drink with your pooch or cat over the festive period, it might be time to stock up!

READ NEXT: You Can Get a Christmas Jumper For Your Dog In Aldi From Next Week
