The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has just released the Statistical Yearbook of Ireland 2017, an annual publication which looks at the current state of the country.
Breaking down trends across Ireland in figures, the survey looks at numerous areas of interest, such as society, agriculture, business, economy, tourism and transport.
Here are some notable stats from the Statistical Yearbook of Ireland 2017
– Average annual earnings were €45,611 for full-time employees in 2016, while part-time employees earned €16,597 on average
– The median value of dwellings sold nationally in 2016 was €196,000
– In terms of enterprises using social media, Ireland at 64% ranked second in the EU 28
– Of individuals aged 60-74, 46% have never used the internet, in contrast to 4% of those aged 16-29
– Over 65% of the 63,897 births registered in 2016 were to women aged between 30 and 39
– 23,348 births were registered as being outside marriage, accounting for 36.5% of all births
– 295 children were born in 2016 to mothers aged 45 years and over
– The average number of children per family was 1.38 in 2016
To see the full report, click HERE.
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