Striking Bus Eireann workers are to return to work following 21 days on the picket lines.
The NBRU confirmed this afternoon that it received a recommendation from the Labour Court and that bus staff will return to work while they consider the deal.
Members of unions Mandate and Siptu will also consider the recommendation.
It it expected that the majority of bus services will resume tomorrow, and that if workers agree on the Labour Court recommendation the strike will be officially over.
The news comes as the majority of Dublin Bus workers voted to strike in solidarity with their colleagues at Bus Eireann – this latest update means that if Bus Éireann workers reject the recommendation of the Labour Court, SIPTU members in Dublin Bus will have the right to go on strike as they have already served notice of their intent to take industrial action.
The full statement from the Bus Éireann Trade Union Group reads:
As you may be aware from media reports the Labour Court concluded their deliberations late last night and informed the parties that they would issue a Recommendation by lunchtime today.
We have now received that Recommendation LCR21438 We are in the process of disseminating LCR21438 to all Trade Unions members in Bus Éireann. Members will require sufficient time to reflect upon the recommendation before a ballot is conducted on its acceptance or rejection.
In conjunction with a requirement that the Labour Court placed upon all Trade Unions in Bus Éireann, we are now to lift pickets with immediate effect and respectfully request that all members who are rostered to be at work at this time, return to their place of employment.
Further notification will be issued by each Trade Union with regard to Information Meetings, Ballots, etc. on the Labour Court Recommendation.
We would once again like to commend all workers for their exemplary behaviour during this most difficult of disputes which was provoked by the unilateral action of Bus Éireann Management.