It’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but year in, year out we find ourselves spending more time wrapped in a blanket with a box of tissues than anything else.
And, no, it’s not because we’ve just watched The Holiday five times. Definitely not.
We’ve wondered for ages why we seem to get sick right before Christmas, because there’s nothing worse than having to stay in all night while you’re friends are out and about making the most of the Christmas festivities.
And now, according to, the reason we get sick before Christmas is very clear.
Dr Dan Robertson, medical officer from a UK online video consultation service, Push Doctor, said: “The problem around Christmas time is that the weather is cold and wet and the days are shorter. This causes people to congregate indoors, while they’re also more likely to use public transport rather than walking.”
He said that this provides cold and flu viruses with more opportunities to spread between people.
Not only does the weather have a massive affect on our well-being at this time of year, the actual stress of Christmas can be too much for our bodies to handle.
Dr Robertson said: “Stress can certainly reduce your immune response, as can too much alcohol.”
If we had to pick between avoiding stress or alcohol, we’re fairly sure avoiding the Christmas panic would be a LOT easier than saying no to the occasional glass of vino over the festive season.
According to Dr Robertson, the best way to really make sure you stay in good health over Christmas is “a healthy diet” and “plenty of exercise”.
He added: “Rather than fighting the symptoms, you’re best off protecting yourself against the causes of colds and flu.”
Now, we’re not making any promises, but we’ll certainly try our best to stay somewhat healthy over Christmas…
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