It is the year of our Lord 2017 and you guys are still absolutely killin’ it on Twitter.
It almost feels like Twitter was made for Irish humour, don’t you think?
Anyway, you guys have done it again, and we’re here to applaud you. Here are the 12 best Irish tweets of this week. Read ’em and weep.
1. Real talk
Me at the gym
— Holly x (@hollyshortall) March 31, 2017
2. Spanish Armada 2.0
spanish students
— sian (@sianvconway) April 2, 2017
3. This one about Dublin’s notoriously tricky transport system
I just saw a tiny Asian woman try to flag down a luas
— Karl Gerard (@KGKeogh) March 25, 2017
4. The best day of the year
March 31st, 2017. Better known as christmas for Taxi drivers ????
— Photos of Dublin (@PhotosOfDublin) March 31, 2017
5. Aul lads at their best
6. Speaking the truth 101
D’ya know when people go on J1’s and change where they live on Facebook. Who ya tryna fool
— Aiso (@aisolougho) March 30, 2017
7. Back at it again with the #CelticPhoenix
Just walked my dog and saw a toddler on her little pink princess car casually sipping a can of san pellegrino with a straw. The boom is BACK
— rebecca comedy (@rbcakn) April 2, 2017
8. The Land Before Time
I’m trying to organise an event in rural Longford, and the contact I have laughed heartily on the phone at me for asking for a postcode
— Dread Forever (@Bed_Forever_) April 3, 2017
9. Same
— sneaky dogfriend (@GrrlGhost) April 3, 2017
10. Something we can all agree on
i think about jambons every single day
— thank u, brexit (@AoifeRM) April 3, 2017
11. Can’t kill a bad thing
glad to see the strike hasn’t interfered with the happy pear’s morning swim
— Gary Grimes-Lewinsky (@gary_is_hip) March 31, 2017
12. And finally, the pièce de résistance
Girl are u twitter cos ur a big fuckin stupid website
— Flora underscore underscore Flora ???????? (@Flora__Flora) April 2, 2017
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