Ah, Google. You know us feckin’ gobshites better than we know ourselves.
Having stumbled across a funny definition for an Irish slang term on the search engine, we decided to check out what else they had in their locker.
When we found out, we weren’t disappointed. Some of the definitions of our favourite words are absolutely gas and the example sentences they use are even better.
Apparently, the Google dictionary is currently run by the ‘Oxford American College Dictionary’ so we take our hat off to whoever’s job it is to trawl through our extensive Irish slang lexicon.
Which ones have they missed? Let us know in the comments.
1. Culchie
Bullshit. Some of the most sophisticated people we know are culchies.
2. Jackeen
A city-dweller? So a Cork person is jackeen? A Galwegian? News to us.
3. Gobshite
Pushing a lawnmower around a baldy garden is prime gobshite behaviour.
4. Gombeen
We owe those gombeens a feckin’ fortune.
5. Gas
That’s pure gas, Ruthie, you absolute gem.
6. Feck
In that case, we spend our whole feckin’ lives being annoyed, frustrated or surprised.
7. Langer
Or the gobshite owner of said penis.
8. Mickey
Not to be confused with the aforementioned langer.
9. Ride
Judging by the North American example, you really don’t want to use the Irish version over there.
10. Dope
“Though he wasn’t an intellectual giant, he was no dope either,” said Anto in praise of his trustworthy sidekick Deco.
11. Banjaxed
Nothin’ worse than a banjaxed kettle.
12. Grand
We would have gone with ‘there’s a grand auld stretch in the evenings.’
13. Mitch
‘On the hop’ would also have been accepted.
14. Jacks
Straight to the point.
15. Shebang
That’s the whole shebang now, thanks for reading.
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