So, Bob Dylan has only gone and won the Nobel Prize for Literature – deeming him the first musician to do so, and the first ever person to win a Grammy, an Oscar AND a Nobel Prize.
Not bad for a man who rhymed “road” with “knowed”.
The reactions from the public have been pretty wildly mixed, as you can see for yourself below…
Read ’em and weep.
Let’s give the Booker Prize to Hanson.
— David Owen (@davidowenauthor) October 13, 2016
Nobel Prize for Chemistry goes to Keith Richards
— Tom Scocca (@tomscocca) October 13, 2016
God this is like when Ian McEwan won a MOBO
— Max Porter (@maxjohnporter) October 13, 2016
Me: Bob, it’s pronounced CHANGING, not a-changin’.
Bob Dylan: ?
Me: Can someone teach Bob to say CHANGE?
*David Bowie stands up*
Me: Not you— Sir Michael (@Michael1979) December 3, 2015
52 years after rhyming “road” with “knowed”, Bob Dylan has won the Nobel Prize for literature. via @IrishTimesWorld
— Frank McNally (@FrankmcnallyIT) October 13, 2016
one more cup of venti iced, sugar-free, vanilla latte with soy milk and extra shot.. #BobDylan
— cofcof (@tecofcof) October 13, 2016
Look, bottom line, two hours ago everyone was talking about Donald Trump; now everyone’s talking about Bob Dylan. I’ll take it.
— Mark O’Connell (@mrkocnnll) October 13, 2016
-Did you see Bob Dylan died?
-No he didn’t, he won the Nobel prize
-Oh…never mind so….— Mike Mc Loughlin (@zuroph) October 13, 2016
I’m a Dylan fan, but this is an ill conceived nostalgia award wrenched from the rancid prostates of senile, gibbering hippies.
— Irvine Welsh (@IrvineWelsh) October 13, 2016
On Bob Dylan winning the Nobel Prize for Literature…
— annie paul (@anniepaul) October 13, 2016
Congratulations to #BobDylan, poet, songwriter, spiritual guide, voice of a generation, on his #NobelPrizeLiterature. Next year: Springsteen
— James Martin, SJ (@JamesMartinSJ) October 13, 2016
Okay, all other news can stop. #BobDylan #NobelPrize
— Tom Miles (@tgemiles) October 13, 2016
It happened! #NobelPrize #BobDylan
— Stavros Kelepouris (@stavrosklprs) October 13, 2016
All straight boys on my fb timeline rejoicing Bob Dylan. Literally everyone else is aghast.
— becky ann leeman (@foreveralowen) October 13, 2016
The real person we should be feeling sad for is, as always, Jakob Dylan
— your friend Helen (@hels) October 13, 2016
Where’s Will Smith’s Nobel Prize for Willennium, eh?
— Louise Bruton (@luberachi) October 13, 2016
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