Is there anything more wonderfully eery than abandoned buildings?
Looking at what’s left of a life once lived, wondering what the people who lived there were like, who they were, what they did …
Gives me chills just thinking about it.
Ireland is home to some amazing architecture, but there are also some equally gorgeous ruins scattered around the country that were once home to a past gone by.
1. Tyrone House, Galway
This was surely a beauty back in its day. Those columns *heart eyes emoji*
2. St. Kevin’s Mental Hospital, Cork
A building that has an immense history housing people with mental health problems over the years.
3. The Good Shepherd Convent, Cork
This was once a Magdalen Laundry, now left derelict.
4. Killeavy Castle, Armagh
This beautiful castle was once home to the Foxhall family, before it was turned into a Gothic castle.
5. Mount Panther, Down
This house was built in the 1770s, and now is left in ruins. Creeeeepy.
6. Mountjoy Barracks, Dublin
You can just imagine the soldiers hiding in the trenches.
7. Stephenstown House, Louth
This gorgeous house was built for Matthew Fortescue for his new bride. Aw, romance.
8. Castelgrove House, Galway
What once was one of the greatest “big houses” in Galway is now left in ruins.
9. Downhill House, Derry
Imagine what this must have looked like in its hey-day.
10. Cairndhu House, Antrim
The remains of the house are supposedly haunted. Ooooh.
11. Castleyons Castle, Cork
There’s not much left of this once glorious castle.
12. Menlo Castle, Galway
This 16th century castle is still standing strong … sort of.
13. Atkins Halls Apartments, Cork
These apartments, half of which remain abandoned, were once St. Anne’s asylum.
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