A fisherman has been keeping Fungie the dolphin company during the lockdown as he is feeling ‘lonely’.
I’m not crying, you’re crying!
If you have been to Dingle, you have most likely spotted this delightful Dolphin.
Jimmy Flannery told the Independent that he is taking daily trips out to see Fungie as he is feeling lonely during the lockdown.
He said, “Fungie was lonely alright.
“He follows the fishing boats out but they don’t have time for him. They are too busy heading to the fishing grounds.”
Also known as the Dingle Dolphin, the male common bottlenose dolphin has been famously living off the coast of County Kerry since 1983 and has become quite the attraction over the past few decades.
In a study published last year, he was recognised as the longest living solitary dolphin on the planet.
Being so used to getting attention and love from tourists and locals alike, Fungie has been out of sorts since the lockdown measures came into place.
Jimmy told The Independent that Fungie hasn’t seemed like his normal self as of late.
He now heads out of Dingle Harbour twice daily to complete fishing chores and give Fungie the dolphin a bit of company, of course.
It’s clear that humans aren’t the only species being affected by the Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown measures.
Dogs Trust Ireland has been warning of the potential effects the lockdown measures may have on Ireland’s dogs.
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