Heading to your local GP for an appointment can be expensive, time consuming and just a hassle in general.
By the time you roll out of bed, drive to the doctor, pay for parking and wait in line for over an hour, you’re usually pretty much ready to just go home at that point.
However, luckily for anyone who hates the hassle of heading to their GP, and hates the costly fees, there will be free GP online appointments all day tomorrow.
In celebration of World Health Day tomorrow, Irish GP service videoDoc will be offering free doctor’s appointments via webcam to all members of the public.
The slogan for this year’s World Health Day is ‘Health for All’, which is why the online GP is offering the service to anyone who feels they need an appointment between 8am and 10pm.
And unlike your regular GP, you’ll only have to wait around ten minutes for your appointment – how handy!
CEO and Co-Founder of videoDoc Mary O’Brien said: “We use technology in every aspect of our lives so it makes sense this is expanded into how we deal with our health and wellbeing.”
The service usually costs €20 per consultation, however, by using the code WHD2018 when you come to the payment page on the website, you’ll get it for free.
Sounds like a deadly offer if you ask us!
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