With the country just getting over Ex-Hurricane Ophelia and Storm Brian, it is now being reported that a record 11 more storms could be hitting Ireland and UK coasts this autumn and winter period.
According to the Times, AccuWeather is forecasting another 11 storms (which is twice as many as last year) with gusts of 120mph expected to hit.
The international meteorology group predict that we can expect storms Caroline, Dylan, Eleanor, Fionn, Georgina, Hector, Iona, James, Karen, Larry and Maeve in the next few months.
Craig Snell of Met Office said that turbulence is being driven by polar air and tropical heat from Hurricane Ophelia and is driving 170mph jet stream winds over the ocean.
He said, “The Atlantic is a breeding ground for storms. Autumn storms are created by the difference in temperature between cold air near the poles and warm air in the tropics being at its greatest at this time of year.”
Meteorologists are saying that a “storm factory” is brewing in the central of the Atlantic.
If all of these predictions are correct, we will see a record number in a short space of time.
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