This is kinda scary.
Ireland’s waters are infested with huge Lion’s Mane jellyfish because there are not enough predators, say experts.
Five people have needed hospital treatment because of the severity of the stings they received from the bigger than normal jellyfish.
John Leech, chief executive of Irish Water Safety, said that the predators numbers are down because of plastic pollution.
According to, Irish Water Safety has said the jellyfish are here weeks if not months earlier then recent years.
One of the recent victims was Jack Dunne who was swimming at Port Beach Co. Louth when a “huge” jellyfish latched on to his chest and shoulder.
Jack’s mother, Mellissa said: “Its tentacles went around his legs and waist.”
The 14-year-old, who was at the beach with his friends, was in the water at shoulder height when he got stung.
“His friends rang me and when we got to the beach he was on his hands and knees and finding it hard to breathe.”
He was brought him to Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda.
Following a bout of vomiting, the hospital treated him with strong anti-inflammatories and anti-histamines, and he was much better the next day.
Leech said: “This year is the earliest and largest infestation of Lion’s Mane jellyfish in my experience.
He said they were “very, very big and cannot be mistaken for anything else”.
He also warned that there is a risk that people who are stung could suffer anaphylactic shock.
Be careful when you’re swimming, lads.
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