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03rd Aug 2017

More Than 400 Refugees Will Be Arriving In Ireland From Greece


Approximately 440 refugees have been cleared to travel to Ireland from Greece.

RTÉ reports that the refugees, who will arrive later this month, are part of the Irish Refugee Protection Programme.

There are still a further 101 people awaiting assessment in Athens.

So far, Ireland has taken in 1,244 refugees of the promised 4,000 under this programme.

There is also another programme – a resettlement programme –  in which Ireland pledged to taking in 1,040 people from Lebanon. So far 785 refugees have arrived so far under this plan. 

Under a further programme called the relocation programme, only 459 people have arrived in Ireland out of the promised 2,622.

It’s not yet known where the refugees will settle in Ireland. 

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