Motorists across Ireland are being warned of the new clamping laws that are coming into effect today.
The Vehicle Clamping Act of 2015 will start today across the country, which will see changes to how clamped cars and their motorists will be treated.
Drivers will now have the chance to appeal their clamping, via a two-tier appeals process, according to Newstalk.
A maximum fee for clamped vehicles is due to be set too.
Areas in which clamping is operated will be required to have adequate signage.
The Act will also allow alleged breached clamping be investigated, and a code of practice will be implemented.
The new laws follow calls for regulation of clamping activity.
However, these are only some of the regulations that are coming into place today. Many more will be coming into effect this October 1.
The full act can be read here.
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