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30th Jan 2019

The Nickname That Kate Has For Prince William Is Rated 18+ And Her Nickname Says Lots Too

Darragh Berry

The Royal staff have a very cruel nickname for Meghan Markle which tells you all you need to know about the Duchess and it seems that she’s not the only one with nickname in the Royals.

Metro is reporting that all the Royal family that they use around each other that have been unknown to the public, until now.

Harry allegedly had a Facebook page under the alias ‘Spike Wells’ because he was called Spike throughout his childhood.

Prince George likes to call himself ‘Archie’ and Prince Charles calls Meghan ‘Tungsten’ after the tough metal.

Kate currently calls her husband ‘Baldy’ but his nickname used to be a lot more saucy than that.

According to the publication, she used to call him ‘Big Willy’ when they first started dating at University.

As for Kate’s nickname, it suggests that she does very little around the house.

Prince WIlliam calls his wife ‘Duchess Do-Little’ or DOD for short. This nickname stems from the fact that the Lizzy used to be critical of her when she first started going out with William for having no real full-time job.
