We can wave bye-bye to the Beast from the East. Thanks for coming and putting a white spell over our country, that was awful sound of you.
Focus now turns to Storm Emma who has forced the whole of Ireland into a state of Red Alert which will begin at 4pm on Thursday – when people are told not to leave their house at all – until 3pm on Friday.
Windy.com follows the weather very closely and let’s viewers see the rain, wind, temperature and most importantly snow gauges for Ireland over the next ten days.
You can track the weather on an hourly basis and it also shows how much fresh snow Ireland will get in the next 24 hours.
We took this screenshot at 3:30pm and between now and the same time on Friday, Ireland will get on average around 10cm of fresh snow.

And according to Windy, in the next three days there will be around 25-35cm of fresh snow.
You can also type in your county location and Windy will zoom in and give you individual facts for that specific place.
You can follow the map live here and watch the path of Storm Emma from the comforts of your own bed/couch/fort that you made out of sheets.
Regardless where you are, stay safe folks.
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