Having a pet is so much more than having a soft specimen to curl up with at the end of the night and someone to ward off burglars in your gaff.
It’s hard work, tiring and expensive – especially according to Independent.ie who just revealed how much it is to home a pup year in, year out.
They say that it costs a whopping €2,500 per year to home a pooch – meaning over ten years, you’ll be spending €25,000 on man’s best friend.
This is made up of grooming, vet visits, vaccinations food and everything else that goes with it. A dog licence is also a legal requirement, and can be purchased from the Post Office, costing €20 a year or €140 for life.
Insurance is also available at around €150 per annum but often only until the dog is eight year’s old. If you plan on going away, kennels charge around €20 per day per pup, and most kennels will insist that all shots are up to date.
Basically, it all adds up.
This information is being shared due to an alarming amount of people buying or adopting puppies, only then realising the additional costs that go with, and ultimately leaving them at a dog shelter.
Sad for both owner and pup, this information should be shared with everyone who’s keen to become a dog parent.
The more you know…
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