Your parents. Your other half. Your children. Sick of going on holiday with the same old boring people? Why not give Graham Norton a shout?
The TV funnyman has been voted as the top celebrity Irish people would like to head off on holidays with.
A national survey by Travel Counsellors found that the Corkman was a hit for women with almost 50% picking him as their ideal holiday companion compared to just one in three men.
It seems that the lads wouldn’t mind spending some time in the sun with Kim Kardashian as 18% would like to head off with her compared to just 4% of females.
27% of people would like to get on a plane with Cockney crooner Adele while Kerry actor Michael Fassbender was chosen by 20% of respondents.
General Manager at Travel Counsellors Ireland, Cathy Burke said:
“A sense of fun is definitely on Irish holidaymakers’ travel check lists, and Graham Norton would make an ideal holiday companion. He’d no doubt have many enormously entertaining anecdotes to keep you laughing throughout your break.”
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