Ah, it’s the most wonderful time of the year… for everybody in the country except bartenders.
Every year at Christmas time, bars get busier, people get drunker, and bartenders get angrier. And there are plenty of reasons why the festive time of year is THE most annoying time to work in a bar.
From unnecessarily loud customers, to people forgetting to pay you and walking back into the sea of Christmas jumpers, we’ve compiled some of the most frustrating things about bartending during the festive season.
The Christmas roster
As Christmas approaches, most people are busy shopping, putting the decorations up, and doing everything and anything to help prepare themselves for the big day. Bartenders, however, spend most of the weeks before Christmas waiting to see what dreadful shifts they’ll be scheduled to work.

Not only are you missing out on every single Christmas night out from Christmas eve pints, to Stephens Day and New Years Eve parties, you’ll most likely spend each night serving everyone and their mother, counting down the hours until last orders.
Christmas music
How many times can All I Want For Christmas Is You actually play? After spending each and every night trying to tell customers that you aren’t the DJ who controls the music, it’s likely that Grinch mode will kick in and you’ll never want to listen to a Christmas song again.
That one annoyingly happy co-worker
Most of your fellow bartenders are on the same page as you when it comes to working over the Christmas period, but there’s always that one person who just cant wait to spend every single night working with you. Take note: if you can’t seem to pinpoint who that co-worker is, it is probably you.
There’s no room to breathe behind the bar
No matter what bar you work at, things can get a bit tight behind the bar on a busy Saturday night. So multiply this by ten when it comes to Christmas. With extra staff and high stress levels, it can be hard to manoeuvre from one end of the bar to the other when you’re in a rush, especially when you have ten customers shouting at you for drinks.
People who order drinks one at a time
This one is seriously annoying. You go up to a customer and ask “What can I get for you?”, and they reply with “One Guinness, please”. So you get the drink and drop it to them at the counter only for them to begin listing off drinks separately each time you drop one back. This goes on for the next ten minutes until every other customer at the bar is staring through your soul with anger.
Dry January is pointless for you
The Christmas chaos eventually comes to an end, and you’re free to finally have a long-awaited pint, only to realise that all of your friends are spending the next four weeks recovering from December, leaving you with nobody to party with.
READ MORE: Warning Issued To “Last Minute” Christmas Shoppers About Buying Rushed Gifts