We all know at least one friend who recently qualified as a primary school teacher and seems to be constantly struggling to find permanent, paid work. It’s tough out there and we 100% appreciate that.
We recently came across a fascinating map which shows the average salary of an experienced (emphasis on experienced) primary school teacher in every European country, and it’s been getting a lot of interest.
Posted by Reddit user lampishthing, the map shows that teachers earn the most in Switzerland, with an average salary of $76,000 per annum.
This is followed by Germany at $66,000, Austria at $64,000, and Ireland at $62,000.

One Irish commenter said that it: “Takes 25 years of teaching to get to 61k at top of the scale. Starting salary of 29,888 doesn’t sound so bad, until you realise that it often takes more than 5 years for teachers these days to secure stable full-time work at that rate.
“The biggest problem really is that the only opportunity for promotion means leaving the classroom and going into administration. The flat career trajectory discourages young men in particular, and those with serious ambition, from entering the profession.
“Other countries have explored specialist roles for teachers, and/or “chartered” teacher roles for high fliers.”
What do you think? Is the pay scale for teachers in this country unfair?
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