Ah Tayto.
Not only is it the nation’s favourite crisp, it’s also the source of one of Ireland’s most exciting day trip hotspot: Tayto Park.
The amusement destination isn’t all crisps though — you’ll find delicious home-cooked food in The Lodge or enjoy a traditional Italian pizza by the lakeside Pizza Place.
It’s the perfect place to bring out your inner child, complete with fantastic zoo that’s home to the endangered Amur Leopard.
But it’s not just for the kids — and being just 30 minutes from Dublin city centre and buses going daily, it’s easy peasy to reach. They’ve attractions to suit all ages and we guarantee they’ve a few bits and bobs to get your blood pumping.
It’s all a bit of good, clean, sober fun. Let us show ya…
1. The Cú Chulainn Coaster
This bad boy is Ireland’s first rollercoaster and Europe’s largest wooden rollercoaster with an inversion.
Worth a spin for the group photo at the end alone. It’s always hilarious.
Take a look at it in action…
2. Shot Tower
Perhaps you prefer to be shot straight up 10 metres into the air as fast as a bullet!
Okay not that fast, but still pretty fast.
You’ll need a strong stomach for this one.
3. Vortex Tunnel
Now this is just trippy — but in a great way.
Your challenge is simple: just walk through this colourful, rotating tunnel without losing your balance.
Except it isn’t that easy, as the vortex messes with your senses and puts you in a spin. Far out, eh?

4. Extreme Climbing Wall
Here’s something that requires a wee bit more skill.
Channel your primate ancestors and take to Tayto Park’s challenging climbing wall.
Think you’ve got what it takes to reach the top?

5. Power Surge
Ever look at a washing machine and think to yourself: I wonder what it feels like to be inside one of those when it’s turned on?
Take a spin on Power Surge and you’ll find out.
Prepare to be tossed and turned at great heights as you’re spun on both a horizontal and vertical axis. Warning: you’ll probably be a bit dizzy afterwards.
6. Sky Walk
If the Extreme Climbing Wall piqued your interest, then you’ll probably like the sound of this too.
Strap on a harness and take to ropes and planks high above the ground.
Could this be the perfect place to finally overcome your longstanding fear of heights? Maybe!
7. Air Race
You should always end on a high, so finish up your trip in an actual airplane!
Well, not an actual airplane. But it certainly looks like an airplane! Prepare to soar, twist and spin at great speeds with Air Race.
If this doesn’t get the adrenaline going, nothing will.