Hurricane Ophelia has taken hold and with most public transport services suspended, the majority of people have made the wise decision to stay indoors.
However, for those who can’t stay home for one reason or another, there is one question looming large online… do car insurance policies become null and void when there’s a red weather warning?
@aaroadwatch is it true some car insurance policies don’t provide cover during a status red weather warning ?
— Stephen Kearon (@skearon) October 15, 2017
Is there any car insurance issue if you drive during a Status Red weather alert, in that any damage wouldn’t be covered? #Ophelia
— rorymcevoy (@rorymcevoy) October 15, 2017
Ia it true your car insurance is invalid in code red weather?
— Gareth Austin (@GardenerGareth) October 15, 2017
There is a lot of conflicting information on this topic doing the rounds this morning.
According to Insurance Ireland, car insurance policies do remain valid during today’s code red weather warning, but this can vary from policy to policy.
Comprehensive insurance will cover any damage caused to a person’s vehicle by the storm, however third party insurance will not.
órte: People’s car insurance policies remain valid if they drive during today’s code red weather warning, according to Insurance Ireland.
Comprehensive insurance will cover any damage caused to a person’s vehicle by the storm, however third party insurance will not.
— Breandán Delap (@Jimigogola) October 16, 2017
Many people worried about car insurance during red weather alert. So far @aaroadwatch and @AXA confirm drivers are covered today #Ophelia
— Denise O’Donoghue (@deniseodonoghue) October 16, 2017
It is worth noting that driving during a red weather warning could also be deemed “contributory negligence”, rendering any claims invalid.
Car insurance is valid if you drive in code red weather but exercise caution crazy risk taking could be considered ‘contributory negligence’
— Geraldine Herbert (@GerHerbert1) October 15, 2017
Others have been notified individually that their policies are invalid today.
Just got a text from my car insurance company saying that I am not insured during a red weather warning
— Seamus Kelly (@seamyned) October 16, 2017
Meanwhile, Leading insurance expert Jonathan Hehir, MD of and is advising insurance policy holders of steps to take to ensure their safety as storm Ophelia hits the country.
He released the following safety guidelines for motorists:
– Ensure your car isn’t parked under/ near anything that could potentially come loose and cause damage during the storm – e.g. trees/ garden furniture etc.
– Avoid any unnecessary journeys
– Plan your route – if you must drive avoid areas with cross winds/ overarching trees etc.
– Use the correct lights for visibility – be cognisant of other motorists on the road
– Give vehicles more space than usual
– Slow down – extra surface water, high gusts, objects coming loose – there are a myriad of factors that mean that you show driving slower & with extra care & caution in stormy conditions
– Check your tyres – if they are not roadworthy you should not drive.
– Pull in – if the weather takes a turn while you are on the road find a safe location and pull in & wait for it to pass.
Stay safe folks!