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20th May 2019

31 Reasons Why You Should Never EVER Consider Visiting Ireland


While people all over the world have this weird desire to visit Ireland we just don’t get it?

We live and work here and looking around is just depressing. There just isn’t anything to see and the scenery is dreadful. 

Whatever you do don’t even think about booking a flight here and if you are unlucky enough to end up here you’ll probably be best off staying in your hotel room. 

What a complete non country….

1. The roads are all boring to drive on

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2. The colours are drab and non-descript

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3. The villages are seriously… meh

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4. And you can forget about finding a cosy place to call home 

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5. The lakes are positively ordinary 

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6. The West Coast will do nothing for you

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7. While the North is one giant letdown

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8. And heaven forbid you go looking for any sort of history around here

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9. The buildings look the same as in LITERALLY every other country in the world 

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10. Rush hour is a bloody nightmare

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11. Don’t even get us started about the beaches. Barren wastelands

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12. There’s absolutely nothing to do

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13. The people here have no imagination

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14. The cities are just ghastly

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15. While even the modern buildings are an abomination

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16. Of course it could be worse – you could LIVE here

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17. Awful

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18. You’ll get bored of the landscape in no time

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19. And those national parks. CONCRETE JUNGLES

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20. You’ll be lucky if you get one good photo when you’re here

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21. But sure what would you be snapping anyway? All the tourist attractions are made-up nothings

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22. There’s nothing nice to eat

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23. And it’s surrounded by water. Everyone hates water.

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24. The waves are a complete let-down

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25. And our CULTURE? Sure Irish culture is non-existent 

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26. Overpopulation everywhere you look

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27. While the only good thing to be said about the sunsets is that they make this godforsaken land too dark to see

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28. Why would anybody want to look at a view like this?

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29. Who wants to drive on roads like these?

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30. Who wants to spend their entire life being jostled about by relentless crowds?

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31. Yuck. Do yourself a favour – cancel any plans you had of coming here. Absolutely nothing to see here

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READ NEXT: 31 Photos That Prove County Kerry Is One Of The Ugliest Places On Earth
