We’re all aware that Irish people are quite particular about about their tea, with Barry’s usually being the brand of choice around these here parts.
Which is why we were shocked to our core to discover this heart-wrenching tale on Reddit today. User CaithAmach85 took to the platform to share a story about his mother who had been passing off another brand of tea as her family’s beloved Barry’s:
Got up yesterday morning like any other morning, walked into the kitchen and wished the aul one happy Mother’s Day and put on the kettle.
Grab a cup and reach into the box of Barry’s to find that it’s empty, the horror. Search high and low around the kitchen for a new box or stray tea bag but to no avail.
Mum says there’s a new box around somewhere, tells me to go feed the dog and she will have a look for it. So out I go to get the dog his breakfast, the cat shows up wanting feed too. After that’s done I land back into the kitchen and there before my eyes a full box of glorious Barry’s tea.
In hindsight the box didn’t look very new and the tea bags were packed in very roughly but I fail to notice this at first due to the fact I was a whole 10 mins without my morning tea.
Skip forward to that afternoon mum is putting the rubbish out, being Mother’s Day I tell her to sit down I’ll get that for her. She refuses the help and makes her way to the door, I grab the bag of rubbish out of her hand and tell her go put her feet up and relax its Mother’s Day after all. So I head outside to the wheelie bin to dispose of the bag and to my horror what do I see before me sitting in the wheelie bin, an empty box of McGrath’s teabags.
I still don’t know how to process this. How long has she been doing this? Do I like non Barry’s tea? What else is she hiding from me? Do I tell Dad?
The horror. It’s an awful revelation and a dilemma we’re not envious of. What would you do? Let us know in the comment section.
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