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04th May 2020

Even Niall Horan is a fan of Normal People claiming he ‘might love Marianne’

Sarah Finnan

Niall Horan has weighed in on Normal People – and he’s a fan.

Normal People premiered on TV screens around the world last week and it’s been all people can talk about ever since. Tiger King hype has quickly been replaced with all things Connell and Marianne and fans are positively obsessed with the screen adaptation – dubbing it one of the best things they’ve seen in a long time.

Reaction to the series has been mostly positive, though there was a bit of controversy over the sex scenes, especially amongst Irish viewers after one Liveline listener compared it to “something you would expect to see in a porno movie” (give the audio a listen here if you missed it.)

Paul Mescal, who plays Connell in the series, spoke to Ryan Tubridy about the furore over the weekend saying, defending the scenes and saying that they’re something he’s “really proud to see on Irish screens”.

Niall Horan, who was also a guest on the Late Late Show this weekend coincidentally, has since marked himself a fan of the series even claiming that he “might love Marianne”.

Taking to Twitter to give his hot take on it, he wrote:

“If you ever want to know what it was like growing up in rural Ireland, the first two episodes of ‘Normal People’ is a fair assessment.”

Later adding: “it’s basically my teenage years”, Daisy Edgar-Jones (who plays Marianne) responded saying:

“Ah thank you!! I love Marianne too”.

Connell has also enjoyed quite a lot of attention since the series debuted – his chain in particular, who some have taken quite a liking to. More on that here.

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READ NEXT: Viewers hail Niall Horan ‘humble and genuine’ after Late Late appearance
