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29th Jan 2018

New Netflix Drama ‘The Rain’ Is Top Of Our List For Binge-Watching This Year


Need something new to get stuck into on the telly for the rest of these dreary dark evenings? We hear ya. 

Top of our list is a new original Netflix sci-fi drama, The RainThe teaser trailer for this dramatic Danish series has just been released and while there’s no official release date revealed just yet, we know to expect sometime early this year. 

Here’s the suss with this new series:

The world as we know it has ended. Six years after a brutal virus carried by the rain wiped out almost all humans in Scandinavia, two Danish sibling emerge from the safety of their bunker to find all remnants of civilisation gone. Soon they join a group of young survivors and together set out on a danger-filled quest through abandoned Scandinavia, searching for any sign of life. 

 Set free from their collective past and societal rules the group has the freedom to be who they want to be. 

In their struggle for survival, they discover that even in a post-apocalyptic world there’s still love, jealousy, coming of age, and many of the problems they thought they’d left behind with the disappearance of the world they once knew…

We can already tell this is gonna be fantastic. Keep an eye out!

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