“Everyone knows she did it. No one knows why.”
The dramatic tagline of Netflix’s newest original series The Sinner is an instant hook – and the eight episodes sound like they won’t disappoint.
The series is an adaptation of a novel by a German crime writer, and follows the story of young mother (Jessica Biel) who, when overcome by an inexplicable fit of rage, commits a startling act of violence and to her horror has no idea why. The event launches an inverted and utterly surprising crime thriller whose driving force is not the “who” or the “what” — but the “why” — as an investigator (Bill Pullman) finds himself obsessed with uncovering the woman’s buried motive.
Together they travel a harrowing journey into the depths of her psyche and the violent secrets hidden in her past.
The Toronto Star said in their review: “This series is not a whodunit; it’s a why’d-she-do-it. It’s such a clever conceit it leaves you asking why, too: Why hasn’t this been done more often?”
It’s out on Irish Netflix tomorrow night, and we’ve a feeling we’ll be binge watching the entire thing.
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